  1. 1. 开发、框架等
  2. 2. Used for debugging
  3. 3. Used for development operation
  4. 4. Metrics gathering and monitoring
  5. 5. Used for documentation gathering
  6. 6. Used for Internationalization and localization
  7. 7. related to the Django debug toolbar
  8. 8. Used for testing



beautifulsoup4==4.1.3 #是用Python写的一个HTML/XML的解析器,它可以很好的处理不规范标记并生成剖析树(parse tree)。 它提供简单又常用的导航(navigating),搜索以及修改剖析树的操作。它可以大大节省你的编程时间
bleach==1.2.2 #bleach是一个基于白名单的html过滤器
html5lib==0.95 #html5lib is a pure-python library for parsing HTML. It is designed to conform to the HTML 5 specification, which has formalized the error handling algorithms of popular web browsers
celery==3.0.19 #celery(芹菜)是一个异步任务队列/基于分布式消息传递的作业队列。它侧重于实时操作,但对调度支持也很好。
dealer==0.2.3 # 版本控制辅助工具
distribute>=0.6.28, <0.7 #setup tools 和替代,Python包管理工具
django-celery==3.0.17 #celery在django的使用
django-countries==1.5 #A Django application that provides country choices for use with forms, flag icons static files, and a country field for models.
django-extensions==1.2.5 # Django Extensions is a collection of custom extensions for the Django Framework.
django-filter==0.6.0 # Django-filter is a reusable Django application for allowing users to filter querysets dynamically
django-followit==0.0.3 # The followit django app allows to easily set up a capability for the site users to follow various things on the site, represented by django model objects.
django-keyedcache==1.4-6 # Django-keyedcache provides a simplified, speedy way to manage caching in Django apps.
django-kombu==0.9.4 # Kombu transport using the Django database as a message store.
django-mako==0.1.5pre # This module provides a drop in replacement of django templates for mako templates.
django-model-utils==1.4.0 # Django model mixins and utilities.
django-masquerade==0.1.6 # Masquerade is a simple app to allow site administrators (IE, any user with is_staff = True) to browse the site as a different user.
django-mptt==0.5.5 # Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your Django Models and working with trees of Model instances. django-mptt is a reusable Django app which aims to make it easy for you to use MPTT with your own Django models.
django-openid-auth==0.4 # The django-auth-openid library can be used to add OpenID support to Django applications. It integrates with Django’s built in authentication system, so most applications require minimal changes to support OpenID login
django-robots==0.9.1 # A Django app for managing robots.txt files following the robots exclusion protocol
django-sekizai==0.6.1 # 这个应用的功能是你可能在父模板中定义一个占位符标签,然后在继承模板中向其加入具体内容 `
django-ses==0.4.1 # A Django email backend for Amazon’s Simple Email Service
django-storages==1.1.5 # django-storages is a collection of custom storage backends for Django. 支持Amazon S3 ,Apache Libcloud, Azure Storage FTP MongoDB 等
django-threaded-multihost==1.4-1 # django-threaded multihost provides support utilities to enable easy multi-site awareness in Django apps.
django-method-override==0.1.0 # Django Middleware for HTTP Method Override Form Params & Header
djangorestframework==2.3.5 # django rest(Representational State Transfer)
django==1.4.8 # Python Web 开发框架
feedparser==5.1.3 # feedparser - Parse Atom and RSS feeds in Python.
fs==0.4.0 # PyFilesystem is an abstraction layer for filesystems. In the same way that Python’s file-like objects provide a common way of accessing files, PyFilesystem provides a common way of accessing entire filesystems
GitPython==0.3.2.RC1 # a python library used to interact with Git repositories.
glob2==0.3 # Version of the glob module that can capture patterns and supports recursive wildcards
gunicorn==0.17.4 # Gunicorn ‘Green Unicorn’ is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
lazy==1.1 # Lazy attributes are computed attributes that are evaluated only once, the first time they are used. Subsequent uses return the results of the first call. They come handy when code should run
lxml==3.0.1 # lxml is a Pythonic, mature binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries. It provides safe and convenient access to these libraries using the ElementTree API.
mako==0.9.1 # A super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages.
Markdown==2.2.1 # Python implementation of Markdown
mongoengine==0.7.10 # MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB.
networkx==1.7 # Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
nltk==2.0.4 # Natural Language Toolkit
oauthlib==0.5.1 # A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic OAuth(开放授权)是一个开放标准,允许用户让第三方应用访问该用户在某一网站上存储的私密的资源(如照片,视频,联系人列表),而无需将用户名和密码提供给第三方应用。
paramiko==1.9.0 # SSH2 protocol library
path.py==3.0.1 # A module wrapper for os.path
Pillow==1.7.8 # Python Imaging Library (Fork)
pip>=1.4 # A tool for installing and managing Python packages.
polib==1.0.3 # A library to manipulate gettext files (po and mo files).
pycrypto>=2.6 # Cryptographic modules for Python
pygments==1.6 # Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python
pygraphviz==1.1 # python 的graphviz 实现 Graphviz (英文:Graph Visualization Software的缩写)是一个由AT&T实验室启动的开源工具包,用于绘制DOT语言脚本描述的图形
pymongo==2.4.1 # Python driver for MongoDB
pyparsing==1.5.6 # Python parsing module
python-memcached==1.48 # Pure python memcached client
python-openid==2.2.5 # OpenID support for servers and consumers.
python-dateutil==2.1 # Extensions to the standard Python datetime module
python-social-auth==0.1.21 # Python social authentication made simple
pytz==2012h # World timezone definitions, modern and historical
pysrt==0.4.7 # SubRip (.srt) subtitle parser and writer
PyYAML==3.10 # YAML parser and emitter for Python
requests==1.2.3 # Python HTTP for Humans.
scipy==0.11.0 # SciPy: Scientific Library for Python
Shapely==1.2.16 # Shapely是一个基于几何引擎GEOS的Python扩展库。使用它可以很方便的处理多线和多边形等几何形状
singledispatch== #
South==0.7.6 # South是针对Django提供的syncdb同步models和数据库不足而开发的数据迁移工具,可以做为syncdb的替代工具。South能够将Model类的更改同步到数据库中
sure==1.2.3 # This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3.
sympy==0.7.1 # Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python
xmltodict==0.4.1 # Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON
django-ratelimit-backend==0.6 # Rate-limit your login attempts at the authentication backend level.
unicodecsv==0.9.4 # Python2’s stdlib csv module is nice, but it doesn’t support unicode. This module is a drop-in replacement

Used for debugging


Used for development operation

watchdog==0.6.0 # Filesystem events monitoring Python监控文件变动

Metrics gathering and monitoring

dogapi==1.2.1 # Python bindings to Datadog’s API and a user-facing command line tool.
newrelic== # 使用New Relic后才算知道网站真正的问题出在哪里

Used for documentation gathering

sphinx==1.1.3 # 她能够轻易地创建智慧和优雅的文档,她是出自Georg Brandl之手,在BSD许可证下授权

Used for Internationalization and localization


related to the Django debug toolbar


Used for testing

chrono==1.0.2 #A (BSD licensed) context manager for timing execution.
coverage==3.7 #
rednose==0.3 #
selenium==2.34.0 #selenium 是一个web的自动化测试工具,不少学习功能自动化的同学开始首选selenium
splinter==0.5.4 #开源的轻量级前端测试工具
testtools==0.9.34 #testtools 提供了可以组合的 assert 函数,以及很多 IO 相关的测试函数实现
git+https://github.com/mitocw/django-cas.git # django-cas version 2.0.3 with patch to be compatible with django 1.4

  1. 1. 开发、框架等
  2. 2. Used for debugging
  3. 3. Used for development operation
  4. 4. Metrics gathering and monitoring
  5. 5. Used for documentation gathering
  6. 6. Used for Internationalization and localization
  7. 7. related to the Django debug toolbar
  8. 8. Used for testing